Certified Mediator
Same-Day Appointments May Be Available
30+ Years of Experience
If you're not familiar with the Department of Human Resources (DHR), an encounter with them can be a scary experience. You'll enter an unknown environment where you may feel threatened or you may wonder if someone you love will be adequately protected.
DHR is charged with the responsibility of seeking out (through investigation, complaints from citizens, or otherwise) the adults and children who may be in need of care and protection because of danger to their health or safety.
When DHR contacts you or you prepare to contact them, it's wise to have legal representation. Woodruff & McCaney Law Firm has over 30 years of combined experience in family law and related areas of practice. You can depend on us for the legal resources you need to ensure that your rights are protected. Call us at (256) 537-8704 to learn more. Same-day appointments may be available.
Schedule an Appointment for Your DHR Concerns
Call today.
(256) 537-8704
"Woodruff is such a great attorney! Cares about her clients and very professional! I most definitely would recommend her. Great job, and thank you for all your help!"
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Same-Day Appointments May Be Available
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