Certified Mediator
Same-Day Appointments May Be Available
30+ Years of Experience
At Woodruff & McCaney Law Firm, we don't believe that you should suffer from your past forever. Once you pay your dues, you should be able to live a life free from the past that haunts you.
If you're interested in having criminal charges expunged from your record, contact us. If you've been arrested and charged with certain crimes, you may be able to have that history removed. Many specific circumstances apply, and we'll work with you to ensure that you understand the possibilities and limitations.
To learn more about expunging charges from your record, call us at (256) 537-8704. In many cases, same-day appointments may be available.
Schedule an Appointment for Expunging Your Charges
Call today.
(256) 537-8704
"Highly professional and extremely honest law firm that is always concerned with their clients' best interests. I have used this law firm on two separate occasions. On both occasions, I feel that I received the best service I could possibly ask for and that they went above and beyond what my preconceived notions were about a law firm. I cannot recommend them highly enough!!"
- Anthony W. on Google
Same-Day Appointments May Be Available
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