Certified Mediator
Same-Day Appointments May Be Available
30+ Years of Experience
If you were to die unexpectedly, do you know what would happen to your money, property, and other assets? Without the proper legal documents in place, your wishes may not be known or followed. The courts may intervene and your children, spouse, or other loved ones may not inherit everything you want them to receive.
To make certain your wishes are known and followed, come to Woodruff & McCaney Law Firm for careful estate planning. We'll work with you to create the legal documents that establish clear inheritances and transfers. To learn more about our estate planning services, call us today.
Schedule an Appointment for Your Estate Planning
Call today.
(256) 537-8704
"Both attorneys are wonderful. Mrs. Woodruff will fight for you 'til the end and keep you informed throughout the entire process. Mr. McCaney handled a will process for a family member and handled the estate process after the family member passed. Both are professional and amazing to work with."
- Jessica T. on Google
Same-Day Appointments May Be Available
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